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Custom Patches Online

Founded in the year 2010, Elegant patches is one of the leading websites for ordering custom patches in the United States. Specializing in anything patches-related, at Elegant Patches, we strive to deliver quality to our customers. In addition to offering nationwide delivery, we also have services that allow our customers to order all the way from Australia, north-America, and Europe.
custom embroidered patches

    Request a Free Custom Quote

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    Low Minimums

    We offer competitive prices, even for a single patch. Be it Chenille Patches, Embroidered Patches, Sublimation Patches, or even PVC patches.

    Great Prices

    You might think premium fabric & top quality means more on the wallet but it’s not! Our prices are below the market quotes, and there’s no MOQ on any order.

    Fast Turnaround

    Thanks to our quick service, every customer at Elegant Patches is a regular. Once the design is confirmed, you can expect a quick turnaround.

    Guaranteed Quality

    We are a QCA certified store that takes every order seriously. We’re also ISO 9001 certified meaning that every patch is perfected as per customer’s requirements.

    Our Services

    Our services are availed by thousands of individuals, along with sports companies and businesses looking to advertise their brands through custom patches. The designers employed at our company are qualified, skilled, and exceptionally talented at their jobs. They work with the clients and endeavor to bring their imaginations to reality. With the latest machinery and advanced technology, we at Elegant Patches are well able to design and create as per customers’ wishes. Furthermore, we use premium quality materials, dyes, threads, and cloths that are resilient and enduring. This means that your custom patches for clothing will last you a long time.

    Our Diverse Variety of Custom Products

    As a company centering around the custom patches industry, we have an array of different kinds and types of custom patch. And with our innovative design techniques, skilled designers, and state-of-the-art technology, we can fulfill our promise of unparallel products. Below are the various different kinds of patches and services we offer at Elegant Patches:

    Embroidered Patches

    A timeless classic in the world of custom patches, embroidered patches are elegant and very versatile. Learn More

    Chenille Patches

    Looking for high-quality custom chenille patches no minimum? With extensive design expertise. Learn More

    Leather Patches

    Elegance & style in a nutshell—that’s leather patches for you! Leather patches have a unique charm. Learn More

    Sublimation Patches

    When it comes to custom patches for clothing, you've got a world of options to choose from. Learn More

    PVC Patches

    At Elegant Patches, we create custom PVC patches of all shapes, sizes, and characteristics. We are one of the leading PVC patches Learn More

    Woven Patches

    Woven patches are the most widely used and highly preferred types of patches, loved by individuals and businesses alike. Learn More

    Why Choose Elegant Patches?

    Apart from delivering high-quality and enduring custom patches, there is nothing that we cannot create. Our leading team of designers and experts is outstandingly experienced in various different types and kinds of custom patches. With the help of our latest tech and our teams’ abilities, our customers will get exactly what they ordered. With our quality products and exemplary services, we have managed to stay in business for over a decade, turning our customers into loyal clients.
    Moreover, with our sample experience in working with all kinds of businesses, we are well versed in every aspect of using custom patches for marketing purposes. So, whether it is leather patches, embroidered patches, or PVC patches, we have the talent and expertise for absolute excellency. In addition to that, below are some of the reasons why you should choose Elegant Patches:

    Unmatched Quality

    At Elegant Patches, we make every effort possible to deliver products of the utmost quality. As a thoroughly established brand that deals exclusively in custom clothing patches, we have reached this far by staying true to our clientele in terms of caliber and standard. When you place an order at our website, the provision of high quality is our guarantee. Our attention to detail and manual labor are unmatched in the industry.

    Low Prices

    You can take your business to the next level when you acquire our services. And if you are an individual customer, our custom patches for clothing can exceptionally elevate your wardrobe. To make your success more accessible, we at Elegant Patches have lowered our prices. You can now order custom patches in bulk at a much-reduced price range. Not only that, but we have made available our custom patches at no minimum. This means that the shipping will be free regardless of the number of custom patches you order.

    Customer Service

    To ensure that we maintain our status as the best online custom clothing patches service, we have an established customer service open for communication at all times. Our agents are knowledgeable and will help you through any queries and issues that may arise

    Customer Reviews


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